Friday, January 5, 2007

Hello Brown Cow (with a british accent)

The 3 danes all survived New Years. And so did the brit boys, even though we tryed our hardest to get give them food-poisening (aka Bøf med løg = danish meal). New Years Eve was a pub crawl until we came to the "tree-pub", which is basically a massive pub around a tree. Note to self - do not, and I repeat NOT shout OI!!! after the bartender if your planning on getting a beer, not going to happen....
The 3 danes made sure they got a culture expirience as well, and made sure they got every cliche picture you possibly can get in L-town... Incl sitting on garbage bags!!!
Suggestion to L-towns people, who desides what to do in 2007 - install more public bathrooms from Waterloo tube station to Leichester Square!!!
But enouth rambling - Happy New Year - where ever you are!!!


Matt said...

Nice Mermaid Girl. When does the Mermaid Boy arrive?

The mermaid said...

The yank will be in Legoland at the end of february. I will be ready in the airport with a bacon-sandwich!