Friday, March 23, 2007

And I now declare you for husband and wife :-)

Peace of piss... Less than 5 min and we had the peace of paper we needed.
The intersting happend later the same day. After welcoming the yank to the danish system, by standing in line for a couple of hours in 5 different offices, we finally found a person, who didnt had a giant questionmark in her face, when we asked questions about immigration.
So apparently the danish government realized they need foreign people, because they have speeded up the proces, and if everything goes smooth, the yank will be in a job with danish salery within 2 month (and have access to the dream world with free education and health care).


Matt said...

Nice. Has your husband started blogging again?

Jamie said...

There is only one yank in the world, and thats my one!

Still, congrats!

Ms. Field said...

Congratulations you two!!

Ohio Villan said...

Congrats...pity the process to get into the US isnt as easy. Immigration thinks everyones a fuckin terrorist!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a blessed event,

Congratulations , (Danish) lykønskning, (Dutch) felicitatie, Gefeliciteerd, (French) felicitation, (German) Gratulation, Glückwunsch, (Greek) έκφραση συγχαρητηρίων, (πληθ.) συγχαρητήρια , (Italian) congratulazioni, felicitazioni, congratulazione, felicitazione, (Portuguese) felicitação (f), (Russian) поздравление, (Spanish) felicitaciones, enhorabuena, (Swedish) gratulation, (Chinese) 祝贺, 恭喜 , (Korean) 축하 , 축사 , (Japanese) 祝い, 祝いのことば, 祝辞 , (Arabic) (الاسم) تهنئه‏ ,(Hebrew) ‮איחולים, ברכה, מזל-טוב‬

Several thoughts,

Welcome to the family (are you sure you really want to be a member?)

Under your free health care system do they cover mental health; you may need it.

Can we all assume that children will be coming sooner rather than later? I think 5 or 6 would be nice.

In the blog you talked about “immigration”??? I think it may be more aptly named. “Your Husband is seeking and has been granted political asylum”.

You also mentioned that your husband can be employed in 2 months. Do you really believe it will happen?

In all seriousness I am really happy for the 2 of you. We do not know each other very well but I can see you are a wonderful girl by how happy your Husband is when he talks about you. Regardless of how he may act I know he cares for you very deeply and yes I will say the word “love”. If his Grandparents were alive they would also be overjoyed to have you join their family.

And yes, you do need to call me Uncle.
Jesus John

Christopher Butler said...

Congratulations! Jake, I'm very happy for you. Helene, welcome to the family! I can't wait to meet you, whenever that will be. Your cousin, and cousin-in-law, CB.

Anonymous said...


The only way out of this family is in a box

gdb said...

Congratulations--and welcome to the family--they were real nice about that when my brother (Chris Butler) and I showed up, 'specially Jake and Emma.

The photo of you two is really nice--looks like you're having a good time. Maybe we'll see you sometime, although I'd rather go over there, so invite us already!

xo, Genevieve

Katie said...

So John has been bitching at us to send congrats so here they are: congrats. May your test-drive of a marriage last for at least a decade or two. . .

Unknown said...

His screen name is jesus john?!

Congrats you two. Does this make Jake Danish, or does it just make him legal?